Internet and particularly the Web have become something
more than a simple channel of entertainment. Internet
is a tool that offers great benefits
for the companies and Intellia helps the organizations
to use these technologies for their own benefit.
Everyday there are more companies that
discover newer and more innovative ways to improve
their services through the use of the Internet.
You can’t be left behind!
Some of the Internet uses for helping
your organization to reach its objectives are:
- Safe access to strategic information
of your company from any point with a connection
to Internet
- The possibility of offering new and better
services to your clients by accessing to
the Web site of the company.
- To share information of the
business with commercial associates, suppliers and
- Branch out and diversify the business areas by
exploiting the knowledge, information, products
and services with a more global point of view.
- Improvement of internal communication,
access to information and response ability at a
corporate level.
- Improved information accessibility
- Reduction of operative costs and long distance
- Elimination of time and space barriers
- Permanent accessibility: 24 hours a day the 365
days of the year